
I find four-leaf clovers. Everywhere. I have them stuffed in books, jammed into the backs of cell phone cases and pressed in photo albums. I even find five leaf clovers. I just rip the fifth leaf off and, voila. Another four-leaf clover. Of course, I always viewed this as a fairly charming, yet useless skill. Until I realized the clovers are kind of symbolic of me as an art director. (Bear with me, this is relevant, I swear.)

First of all, I am lucky. Lucky to have have known from the first hour of the first day of my first graphic design class at Penn State that this profession was the one for me, and I still feel that way. I'm lucky enough to have had some incredible jobs at some top notch agencies. And lucky enough to have worked with some amazing people who taught me things like, "Don't steal logo ideas from Print Magazine."; "Don't Razor Scooter in the hallways, or at least don't go THAT fast around the corners."; "It's okay to be yourself, even if yourself is a little nuts."; and of course, my favorite, "Don't bother creating anything if it doesn't have an idea."

But four-leaf clovers don't just symbolize my luck, they represent my state of being. I tend to look longer, harder and more carefully for a solution than some. I know that no matter how complicated or daunting an assignment might be, if I truly understand the problem and arm myself with strategy, the solution will present itself. Not that I don't sometimes panic a bit in the process. (Nothing is more intimidating than a blank sheet of paper.) But like I said, I've been lucky enough to have years of experience working with great people (clients and colleagues) who have given me confidence. And sometimes, the luck and the dedication come together in one convenient package and a solution comes to me instantly, just like every once in a while, when I glance down at the ground and a four leaf clover leaps up and, bam. Presents itself. 

Beyond the luck and the diligence, I have always just identified with the color green (especially they yellowy-er greens). I like to think my work is fresh and unique and I'm always growing and changing – you know, green. 

So, I'm idea based. Enthusiasm based. Experience based. And I am - you guessed it - YellowBasedGreen.

But enough about me. What can I do for you? 

call: 412.734.9115

(BTW, It's pronounced: "Rye-ock-oh-vitch")

This is me on a really good hair day.

This is me on a really good hair day.

I found these in my in-laws' front yard. Very lucky front yard they have, and now this car manual of theirs is also very lucky.

I found these in my in-laws' front yard. Very lucky front yard they have, and now this car manual of theirs is also very lucky.

This one I found near a sidewalk where it just jumped out at me. Bam! It's a little beat up, but darn if it's not still a four-leaf clover. (Note the X-Acto knife scars on my thumb. Ahhhh, the perils of the ad biz. No one can say I don't bleed for m…

This one I found near a sidewalk where it just jumped out at me. Bam! It's a little beat up, but darn if it's not still a four-leaf clover. (Note the X-Acto knife scars on my thumb. Ahhhh, the perils of the ad biz. No one can say I don't bleed for my craft.)