My name is Amy and I love the Netflix series about life in a female prison, Orange is the New Black. In fact you could say I have a OITNB binge watching “problem”.

I admit it. I watch it so fast and so voriaciously, that I start to loose touch with reality and feel like my house is a prison. (Wait, maybe that’s just a freelance problem?) Anyway, imagine my surprise when halfway through season two, I noticed a campaign idea I worked on to market the city of Pittsburgh was featured in a scene on the show. I mean, when I saw it, I was so freaked out that I almost spit Pinot Grigio all over my foot rest. 

The campaign idea is featured as a poster on the wall of a scene shot in the Pittsburgh airport. The scene is part of a character’s backstory, and features a snoozing airport employee asleep on the job. The visual idea of the Pittsburgh ad campaign is all about juxtaposition, and the contrast created on the TV show between the headline on the poster and the employee is hilarious. At least I think so. (After all, I have lost touch with reality.) 

Anyway, I didn’t create that actual poster, but I was very excited that the campaign is still alive in any form - and especially a form that just happens to be on an award winning Netfilx series. That, as I have mentioned, I love.

Check out the Pittsburgh campaign I helped create for the Allegheny Conference on Community Development here. And, of course, check out OITNB on Netflix.